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Holdrege Wrestling Club

The three different levels of our wrestling club are designed specifically for age, and different experience levels.

We strongly recommend that newer wrestlers andyouth wrestlers limit their competitionand primarily focus on

learning proper technique, sound body mechanics, and most important to remember tohave fun!


Pre K- 4th Beginners 

Practice is for 1 hour on Mondays nights at 6:15pm. Fun Games, Gymnastics, and Tumbling are the primary focus. Learning body control and body movement that are related to movements in wrestling and most importantly will help enhance the vestibular and proprioceptive systems in our young children. Kids will also learn the beginning fundamentals of wrestling skills and commands that will help construct a foundation for future development 


*We strongly recommend no competition at this level*​

Jan 8th - March 15th

Mondays 6:15 - 7:15

$20.00 per Athlete


3rd and 5th Experienced (+2 Years)
6th - 8th Grade Beginners

Practice takes place once or twice a week for 1 hour (depending on schedules). Kids in Twisters will continue to focus on basic gymnastic skills that promote body control specific to wrestling. These athletes will begin to learn fundamental wrestling skills and basic moves.


This is contact class where athletes will perform skills on one another

*We recommend a limited number of competitions (2 or 3 tournaments max) based on age and experience/development at this level*

Jan 8th - March 15th

Mondays & Thursdays 6:15pm - 7:15pm

$30.00 per Athlete 


Dust Devils
Advanced 6th - Post Season High School

Class will be 1:30 of technique, drilling, conditioning, live wrestling, proper strength and conditioning, diet, and importance of stretching. (We will also highlight having the right mindset for wrestling, and show various success stories of people and how wrestling influenced their lives).

This is contact class where athletes will perform skills on one another


*Maximum amount of off-season competition will be highly encouraged – will pay entry fees into any USA Wrestling event*

January 8th - March 15th

Mondays & Thursdays 7:15pm - 8:30pm

USA Folkstyle Membership: $30.00

USA Full Membership FS/GR: $60.00

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